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標題 the 13th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (IEEE ICCA 2017)
聯絡人 黃裕煒 教授 公告日期 2016-08-22
分機 7053 截止日期 2016-08-29
相關網址 http://uav.ece.nus.edu.sg/~icca17/

Important Dates

Deadline for Manuscript Submissions:December 31, 2016

Notification of Acceptance:March 15, 2017

Submission of Final Manuscripts:April 15, 2017

Conference:July 3_6, 2017

The 13th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (IEEE ICCA 2017) will be held on July 3-6, 2017, in Ohrid, Macedonia. The conference is jointly organized by the IEEE Control Systems Chapter, Singapore and Electronics, Telecommunications, Automatica & Informatics Society, Macedonia, and technically sponsored by IEEE Control Systems Society and Technical Committee of Control Theory, Chinese Association of Automation. It is to create a forum for scientists and practicing engineers throughout the world to present the latest research findings and ideas in the areas of control and automation. The conference is featured with Best Paper Award and Best Student Paper Award.

Topics of interest include but not limited to

_ Modeling of Complex Systems

_ Linear Systems

_ Robust and H_ Control

_ Nonlinear Systems and Control

_ Fuzzy and Neural Systems

_ Estimation and Identification

_ Fault Detection

_ Process Control & Instrumentation

_ Motion Control

_ Flexible Manufacturing Systems

_ Integrated Manufacturing

_ Factory Modeling and Automation

_ Petri-Nets and Applications

_ Micro and Nano Systems

_ Modeling of Complex Systems

_ Linear Systems

_ Robust and H-infinite Control

_ Nonlinear Systems and Control

_ Fuzzy and Neural Systems

_ Estimation and Identification

_ Fault Detection

_ Process Control & Instrumentation

_ Motion Control

_ Flexible Manufacturing Systems

_ Integrated Manufacturing

_ Factory Modeling and Automation

_ Petri-Nets and Applications

_ Micro and Nano Systems

_ Sensor networks and networked control

上次更新:2016-08-22 15:13:06


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